Keijo!!!!!!!! anime adaptation is produced by Xebec and directed by Hideya Takahashi. It was set to debut Fall 2016. The first episode of the anime began airing on October 6, 2016. The opening theme, titled "DREAMxSCRAMBLE!", is performed by Airi, while the ending theme, titled "Fantas/HIP Girlfriends!", is performed by Lynn, M.A.O, Kaede Hondo and Saori Ōnishi. The series will be released across six Blu-ray and DVD home video release volumes totalling 12 episodes, and each volume will include an original video animation. Crunchyroll will stream the anime, with Funimation streaming an English dub.
The anime tends to show the preview of the next episode right after the final scene of the episode. Since, usually a preview happens after the ending theme and credits, sometimes it is accompanied along with a tune or introduction. However, it is showed before the credits. The only thing that indicates it is a preview is the final scene that showed abandoned swimsuits.
Main article: List of Episodes